Not sure what to expect? The lovely Devon has written an outstanding review about her experience with Beautiful You Holidays.
Devon pre-op at the Elephant Sanctuary in Phuket
How we age is dependent on many factors. Environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors. Fortunately, I had parents who had always retained youthful looks but at 55, I was beginning to see that Father Time was indeed taking away the genetic bonus Mother Nature had afforded me. Coupled with the fact I had my children late in life, my daughter when I was nearly 40, I was self-conscious about being the ‘oldest mum’ at school. My ‘eyes’ were my primary concern so I began to research Blepharoplasty. I had also suffered an accident and serious head injury some 15 years ago which as I aged was resulting in a ‘dropping’ of my right eye and my face beginning to appear less symmetrical.
Living in Marlborough, my local options were Nelson and Christchurch and the surgery would cost around $10,000 NZD – which as a mother, and business woman felt difficult to justify. As a regular yearly overseas traveler, I began to look further afield and contacted, Sacha from ‘Beautiful You’ which was the first and one of the best decisions of my surgery journey. Sacha’s recommendation was Dr. Piyapas from the Phuket Plastic Surgery Institute. Upon further research, I discovered most Thailand Surgeons have completed their degrees at Premier and Ivy League United States University’s which not only makes their surgical skills world-class, but their English and consequently communication skills and professionalism is simply outstanding.
I chose to have my surgery at the end of our holiday, therefore enjoying 2 weeks in Bangkok and Phuket, touring and working in an Elephant Rescue Sanctuary prior to. Feeling confident in all I had researched, my main remaining concerns were, how I would present post-surgery and during recovery, and any discomfort level. Appreciating that every individual will vary I honestly think the photos attest to the fact – I need not have worried. It is in fact only 2 weeks today since my 4-hour operation and apart from some very minor residual swelling – I appear for all intense purposes fairly normal and couldn’t better happier with the results. Up to 6 weeks recovery is the norm, and I am confident that I will be completely healed within that time.
I opted for the local anesthetic and having both upper and lower lid surgery. I hadn’t realised how much my upper lids had become hooded until the consultation where the surgeon clearly demonstrated with the use of a small rod the difference I could expect. Because more extensive work was required on the effected drooping right eye the surgery did take a little longer than usual at just over 4 hours and the photos evident with the increased swelling and bruising of that area.
The procedure commences with administering mild sedation in the form of sleeping tablets before the locals are injected. Although conscious – I barely remember a thing. It felt like I had slept through most of it and only vaguely remember being asked to open or close my eyes occasionally. When the nurses assisted me in re-dressing, I seriously thought I had been in theatre around an hour, if that. Having had the discharging medication protocol clearly explained prior to the surgery – I simply followed it to the letter. Taking the pain relief, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories at the specific times which resulted in minimal discomfort despite the immediate post-surgery appearance. I would describe my pain level as around a 3 on a 1-10 scale, and even that subsided within a few days. In regard to the hospital itself – I was extremely impressed with the staff, facilities and scrupulous cleanliness of the private facility. It truly is world-class.
I would highly recommend the ‘Beautiful You’ experience, following Sacha’s and the surgeon's advice and sound recommendations.
The greatest compliment I have received is upon my return to New Zealand. Owing to unexpected delays in Bangkok and Auckland– our journey home took over 36 hours – consequently for the first time, realising I was completely depleted of melatonin, I was suffering Jet Lag. I sought to purchase it at a pharmacy. The Chemist informed me they could not sell melatonin over the counter to anyone under the age of 55. I had to produce my driver’s license to verify my age. It absolutely made my day.
Please note – I have written this review for no other reason than to share my fantastic holiday and surgery experience in the hope it will encourage anyone thinking about it to do the same. Thailand for me has been a rejuvenation of my mind, body, and soul and I can’t wait to return with my children for a family holiday next year. Do something for you – you deserve it!
Devon received an Upper & Lower Blepharoplasty under Local Anaesthetic performed by Dr. Piyapas.