A guide to post-surgery recovery

Part of the cosmetic surgery experience is post-surgery recovery, which, of course, can vary greatly depending on the procedure you’ve had done. Even for simple procedures, a period of recovery is par for the course. With this guide, we’ll provide a general guide on tips for a quick recovery and things to watch out for post-surgery.

Rule #1

The number one rule of recovery is not to do too much too soon. Your body often needs rest following a procedure and fatigue is a common result of surgery. Don’t rush back to the activities of your everyday life. Rest, take your time, and slowly ease back into work and socialising. 

Rule #2

It is encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle in the lead up to surgery by eating well, being physically active and cutting out smoking and drinking alcohol to put your body in the best condition for an intrusive procedure. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle post-surgery is also suggested. Staying hydrated is essential. Drinking lots of water and eating healthy food such as fruit and veg.

Rule #3 

Always follow your surgeon's advice. With Beautiful You Holidays, after your surgeon has discharged you, we will take you back to your hotel room and help you with your recovery. You will have follow-up appointments with the surgeon after your procedure to ensure you are healing and recovering well and they will advise you of what you can do to help your recovery.

Rule #4

Stay in a comfortable environment for your recovery to help your mental well-being. Our unique offering means clients often use their holiday time to rest, read, sit poolside or go for gentle walks. Quite often there will be other clients staying and recovering at the same hotel, so you can make new friends and share experiences if you wish.

Things to look out for:

  • The medical team and your local coordinator will do a great job of taking care of you and making you feel comfortable throughout your trip. There are things you can look out for too, just to be extra cautious. Seek medical attention if you experience :
  • Shortness of breath 
  • Chest pains
  • Irregular heart beat
  • Excessive swelling or bleeding
  • Fever

To discuss the surgery and procedures we offer and the possible locations you can choose, contact us today and speak with our team for advice and information.

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